Innovative development of 100 generously-sized apartments for older people, centred on a landscaped courtyard and sharing communal and wellness facilities.

Pegasus Life
Guildford, Surrey
Undisclosed value
100 homes

  • 100 one, two, and two-and-a-half bedroom extra care apartments and communal facilities
  • Design mediates between neighbouring buildings of varied scale, age and appearance
  • Four blocks composed around a central courtyard
  • Modular construction techniques will minimise local impact

Client: Pegasus Life
Structural Engineer: Buro Happold
Services Engineer: Waterman Building Services
Sustainability Consultant: Buro Happold

Street Sequence Approaching the scheme from the street
Large scale model
Early design sketch Looking at surrounding context
Early design sketch Looking from across the bridge
Early design sketch Viewed from surrounding area
Context analysis sketch
Local materiality analysis
Site evolution
Model experimentation
Model Site mode of Guildford housing shceme
Model studies Sculpturing the mass through study models
Roofscape concept Inspired by Buggio
Elevation test 2 White and light grey brick with brown metal frames and balustrades
Elevation test 1 Two tones of red brick with brown metal frames and balustrades
Communal Spaces Study Axonometric drawing that shows the split-level courtyard in-between blocks
Elevation This street elevation shows the relationship between the base datum and the neighboring buildings
Model close up 2 Detail of the courtyard in-between blocks
Model close up Detail of balconies and window composition
Model making From small scale to large scale
Model studies Testing facade options
Model studies Testing the proposal massing through foam models
Guildford Site Visit Pitched-roof houses facing the canal
Guildford Site Visit Photo 1 View over the roofscape
Site Evolution

Guildford Plaza